Tomatoes are fruits and have been grown in various parts of the world for many years.
The following are 10 quick facts about tomatoes you should know:
1. The most common varieties are red in colour when ripe. This colouration is due to the presence of a compound called Lycopene which has been shown to help in fighting cancerous cells.
2. Tomatoes can be eaten raw or cooked. They can be used in making soups, sauces, fresh tomato juice, tomato paste, or mixed with other vegetables to make salads and sandwiches.
3. Raw tomatoes can be used to make face masks. They help in smoothing the skin and making it glow reducing dullness.
4. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamins A & C, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorous.
5. The leaves of tomato plants are toxic and not edible.
6. Tomatoes have acidic properties which help in treating blackheads and clearing pimples.
7. Tomatoes are heart friendly because they do not contain harmful cholesterol and have low amounts of sodium. This helps reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases.
8. The more a tomato ripens, the more the amount of Vitamin C increases. Those picked from the tomato tree when ripe have higher amounts of the vitamin than those picked while yellow and allowed to ripen slowly.
9. Tomatoes are rich in chromium which aids in regulating blood sugar levels among diabetic patients. It also helps in regulating high blood pressure.
10. Tomatoes help in improving eyesight and strengthening bones.
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